• Mail: info@quranweb.net
  • WhatsApp: +880 1519 393 190
  • +880 1519 393 190

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Quran Web Teaching (QWT):

  1. Upon successful completion of the free trial class(s) one happily decide whether wish to continue regular Quran classes with us, or leave the service without any payment. Students will be offered 3(three) Trial classes generally. If the students like more classes, then all the provided classes would be treated as regular class.
  2. QWT’s monthly tuition fees charged in advance pre-paid after the trial session for the running month. i.e The fees deposit deadline by the 10th (ten) date of the month(s).
  1. If the teacher is unable to take a scheduled class due to any technical or health issue, 100% recover class will be arranged with the same teacher at any available time, otherwise the fee for missed classes may refund. We are bound to conduct class as we committed from our side. If class(s) is cancelled from students end, retaking class may subject to get schedule available time.
  1. a) If any student is unable to conduct any regular Quran class, we must inform 1 (one) day before at WhatsApp number +880 1519 393 190 [Quran Web Teaching], in which case the class will be recovered with the same teacher at any other available time.
    b) Otherwise, QWT won’t be responsible to make up the missed class and the fees will also be charged for that class, as our teachers are liable to be present the entire class time.
  1. If the student is late in the scheduled class, due to which unable to cover entire class time, the missed time will not be recovered, and class will be ended on the scheduled time. If it happens from the teacher’s side, the time or class will be recovered or shall be longer makeup missed time. It is because usually tutors are very much responsible regarding class time.
  1. QWT reserves the right to cancel the classes if a student remains absent for more than 2 (two) weeks without any prior notice, and the fees will also be charged for this duration.
  1. Once student wish to discontinue the class(s) whether for a while or permanently, must notify our at WhatsApp number +880 1519 393 190 [Quran Web Teaching],  or mail at info@quranweb.net before next payment due date, and complete the month have made the payment for.
  2. If student(s) discontinue the class after the payment, the payment will not be refunded but paid amount adjustable if any other student joined at QWT at any course.
  1. Every student needs to be punctual and regular to the class and ready themselves at least 5(five) min before start class time. It’s strongly recommended using mobile phone alarm avoiding Quran class missed. Further, attendance must not go less than 80% of any given month.
  2. If the teacher does not receive student’s call or is not online, then the student needs to notify WhatsApp number +880 1519 393 190  our Public Relations Officer is responsible to take immediate action to solve the problem).
  3. Every student needs to complete the homework and keep trying to progress sincerely. If the student does not follow this, regular Quran class may suspended.
  4. QWT strictly follows non-political and non-violent principles. It is also against any anti-Islamic, any religious extremism and anti state activities. If anybody concerned found wrongdoing and violating the policies, the class will be suspended.
  5. Our technical set up is of high quality and Internet Connection & other infrastructure are very stable & updated. Moreover, our technical team remain ready to support our teachers to do a job of excellence by making sure that their resources are OK.

The above Terms & Conditions effective from March 10, 2020 and will continue to remain in force until further notice.
