Muslims are enjoined to dedicate more time to reading the glorious Quran during Ramadan because of the bounties that it brings from Allah. This can be by online Quran learning.
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Intensify efforts in the remembrance of Allah
The days of the Holy month is expected to be spent remembering Allah through various acts of Ibadah e.g. salat, siam etc.
It is also advised to visit who are sick and may not be able to fast. It is expected this will create bond within the Muslim Ummah and give them a sense of belonging.
This is a Night of Majesty – Laylatul Qadr – is observed towards the end of the Holy month and Muslims are enjoined to double their acts of Ibadah to enjoy its benefits.
Observing the compulsory daily five Salat – is of importance in the Holy month. There is no excuse in the pang of hunger during Ramadan to miss their Salat.
Mingle with fellow Muslims & Mend broken fences
It is more pronounced for the privileged in the society to mix with those on the lower rung of the societal ladder – both in the Holy month and afterwards. Hence, Ramadan offers Muslims the opportunity to mend broken relationships and live peacefully.
Muslims are enjoined offer Zakat ul Fitr ahead of the Eid prayers after Ramadan. This is to enable the needy, the poor and the less-privileged also celebrate Eid festival with joy.
Islam is peace and Ramadan offers the best of opportunities to spread the message of love, especially to non-Muslims. Muslim should simply embrace peace by saying “I am fasting, I am fasting”. Such peaceful conducts should be extended beyond Ramadan.
“Muslim must abstain from these acts in their everyday life, total abstinence is more pronounced in the holy month because engaging in any of them might invalidate one’s fasting.”
Here are 10 things that must be avoided in the month of Ramadan.
Not use mind and language for un-productive
Purity of the mind and use slang language is prohibited not only in the holy month; hence, Muslims are advised to watch how they mind and language.
Smoking is highly prohibited during Ramadan and it should be avoided totally in everyday life. It is however not accepted in whatever form during fasting.
Alcoholic drinks are highly forbidden in Islam; during Ramadan, it is pointless saying that it is not accepted. But does not mean after Ramadan it is acceptable.
Sometimes, the urge to make up for the long hours of fasting pushes people into excessive consumption during ‘Iftar‘ (break of fast) period. Muslims should avoid this.
Muslims are not expected to stay idle all day because they are fasting. Laziness is not encouraged in the holy month as fasting is no excuse to remain unproductive.
Avoid meaningless, non-productive engagements
As much as Islam advises to be active during Ramadan, it does not encourage involvement in baseless activities, limit their engagement with things of the world during Ramadan.
Islam is a religion of peace and it is expected that Muslims should reconcile with people against whom they hold grudges even outside Ramadan. It is doubly so in Ramadan as doing otherwise could invalidate one’s fasting.
The advent of the internet and the proliferation of social media have changed how people live their lives. Ramadan should be a time for sober reflection and lots of Ibadah.
While it is not prohibited to sleep in the holy month, Muslims are enjoined to spend a significant part of the month observing prayers and reciting the Quran – day and night.
Adult talks and lewd conversations are commonplace today, especially on the internet. A Muslim is expected to be decorous in the Holy month (and beyond) by avoiding lewd, immoral talks or acts.
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